who think that if a little vitamin C is good, more must be better
should think again, says a team of British researchers, who found that a
supplement of 500 milligrams a day could damage people's genes.
Americans take that much, or more, in hopes of preventing colds and
reaping the widely celebrated antioxidant benefits of vitamin C.
Antioxidants, which block cellular and molecular damage caused by the
highly reactive molecules called free radicals, are believed to protect
against heart disease, cancer, eye disorders like cataracts and macular
degeneration, and other chronic health problems.
But the British
researchers, chemical pathologists at the University of Leicester, found
in a six-week study of 30 healthy men and women that a daily
500-milligram supplement of vitamin C had pro-oxidant as well as
antioxidant effects on the genetic material DNA. The researchers found
that at the 500-milligram level, vitamin C promoted genetic damage by
free radicals to a part of the DNA, the adenine bases, that had not
previously been measured in studies of the vitamin's oxidative

Selasa, 30 April 2013
To much protein
Protein isn’t particularly dangerous, but an over-consumption of protein may be associated with:
The average person needs about .4 grams of protein per pound of body weight. Active individuals may require .6 grams. People that exercise frequently and at a high intensity – like myself – require about a gram per pound of body weight. Bodybuilders and athletes may require even more.
With protein, it’s okay to act a bit like Goldilocks. You don’t want too little or too much – but an amount that’s just right.
- Weight gain. Excess calories from excess protein may be stored as body fat.
- Intestinal irritation. Too much protein has been linked to constipation, diarrhea and/or excessive gas.
- Dehydration. Experts advise drinking a half gallon of water per 100 grams of protein.
- Seizures. Seizures have been linked to excess protein intake – but only if insufficient amounts of water are consumed.
- Increase in liver enzymes.
- Nutritional deficiencies. Just focusing on protein intake causes some high-protein dieters to overlook other nutrients. Ensure that your diet is balanced and nutritious.
- Risk of heart disease. This is a bit misleading. A healthy high-protein diet is not associated with heart disease. But if you are getting all of your protein from unhealthy sources that are loaded in unhealthy fats, obviously the risk for heart disease will increase.
- Kidney problems. Some believe that high protein and low carbohydrate diets – when done long term – can possibly cause kidney issues, but more research needs to be done.
The average person needs about .4 grams of protein per pound of body weight. Active individuals may require .6 grams. People that exercise frequently and at a high intensity – like myself – require about a gram per pound of body weight. Bodybuilders and athletes may require even more.
With protein, it’s okay to act a bit like Goldilocks. You don’t want too little or too much – but an amount that’s just right.
Sugar effect
Is sugar a sweet old friend that is secretly plotting your demise?
There is a vast sea of research suggesting that it is. Science has now shown us, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that sugar in your food, in all its myriad of forms, is taking a devastating toll on your health.
The single largest source of calories for Americans comes from sugar—specifically high fructose corn syrup. Just take a look at the sugar consumption trends of the past 300 years:
- In 1700, the average person consumed about 4 pounds of sugar per year.
- In 1800, the average person consumed about 18 pounds of sugar per year.
- In 1900, individual consumption had risen to 90 pounds of sugar per year.
- In 2009, more than 50 percent of all Americans consume one-half pound of sugar PER DAY—translating to a whopping 180 pounds of sugar per year!
Coffee ?
Some are trying hard to show the beneficial
effects that coffee has on our health, others see it as the devil's
beverage. Others say it's rather a bogus. Read on and decide for
yourself who's right!
1. Some say that the energy boosting effect of the morning coffee is only in your mind and you should sleep more. The caffeine eases withdrawal symptoms accumulating overnight, but does not make people more alert. Only people who do not regularly drink coffee will get a 'push-up' from caffeine, while the British Coffee Association insists that regular drinkers do feel more alert.
Regular coffee drinkers swear that their morning caffeine wakes them up, and in case they don't take it, they feel they have no energy and will surely be less efficient in their activities. Researches show that a first caffeine intake does not make the individuals more alert than those who do not drink coffee are.
1. Some say that the energy boosting effect of the morning coffee is only in your mind and you should sleep more. The caffeine eases withdrawal symptoms accumulating overnight, but does not make people more alert. Only people who do not regularly drink coffee will get a 'push-up' from caffeine, while the British Coffee Association insists that regular drinkers do feel more alert.
Regular coffee drinkers swear that their morning caffeine wakes them up, and in case they don't take it, they feel they have no energy and will surely be less efficient in their activities. Researches show that a first caffeine intake does not make the individuals more alert than those who do not drink coffee are.
Friend in my eyes
A true friend is someone who sticks by you when you are down and
celebrates with you when you are up. It's someone you trust. It is
someone who understands you, knows the real you and appreciates the
person you are.
1). Sure. There are many types of relationships and they may be hard to classify. I have encountered at least 3 different types.
- Situational friends. You see each other regularly, have fun together, even share occasional disappointments. When you move or something changes, you don't stay in touch. Ex. : activity and location based - work, gym, clubs, etc.
- Casual friends. Meet each other once in a while, go out for lunch and dinner, catch up on the news/gossip. You like each other, appreciate the company. But are are not best friends.
- Close friends. They understand the real you, help when you're in trouble and are people you can rely on. They will not betray you, they let you in their lives and care about you deeply. Such people don't come along often and such relationships are to be cherished.
1). Sure. There are many types of relationships and they may be hard to classify. I have encountered at least 3 different types.
- Situational friends. You see each other regularly, have fun together, even share occasional disappointments. When you move or something changes, you don't stay in touch. Ex. : activity and location based - work, gym, clubs, etc.
- Casual friends. Meet each other once in a while, go out for lunch and dinner, catch up on the news/gossip. You like each other, appreciate the company. But are are not best friends.
- Close friends. They understand the real you, help when you're in trouble and are people you can rely on. They will not betray you, they let you in their lives and care about you deeply. Such people don't come along often and such relationships are to be cherished.
JKT 48 dan yelyel nya oi oi oi oi ..........
JKT48 adalah idolgrup dari 48 family dan juga merupakan sistergroup dari
AKB48. JKT48 yang diproduseri oleh Yasushi Akimoto ini terbentuk pada
Desember 2012. JKT48 adalah idolgrup pertama di Indonesia yang bertujuan
untuk mempererat persahabatan antara Indonesia dan Jepang. Tim J yang
diketuai Devi Kinal Putri ini sudah memiliki banyak lagu walaupun itu
adalah daurulang lagu AKB48 atau SKE48.
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